Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Acceptable discourse (updated)

Unacceptable political discourse:

"Honourable senators, I was disappointed to see that our dynamic young Premier in Prince Edward Island, Robert Ghiz, has climbed into bed with the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, and honourable senators know what a grotesque scene that is. Do honourable senators know what happens when two politicians climb into bed together? One of them comes out on top and I am afraid that when one is in bed with Danny Williams he will come out on top and I would hate to see where that will leave P.E.I. in the end."

Acceptable political discourse:

"If Stephen Harper and his ministers and the people in Ottawa want to continue to try and nail Newfoundland and Labrador and punish us for exercising our democratic rights, even though it may have been questionable electing Liberals by the same token, but by the same token, when you do not have much other choice you elect Liberals and you elect New Democrats."

"They should be shot over that."

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