Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Quebec, NL to merge

IP Freely is an eager reader of the Bill Rowe's weekly column in the Telegram. He is our spiritual and political inspiration and we hope he will someday rejoin the political fray and help lead this province back into the light.

While we await that glorious time, we have learned from good sources that Mr. Rowe's column last week was an engineered "leak", a trial balloon released by Premier Williams: we have discovered that Danny and Charest have already engaged in advanced talks about merging the two provinces.

For the two premiers, it's a win-win.

  • For Danny, it staves of the growing pressure for "Atlantic Union".
  • For Charest, it shows he has the leadership necessary for his charge on EU free trade, and, if taking in Newfoundland is the price for solving the Labrador "dispute", then it's a cheap price to pay. Plus, it's another half-million federalist-ish voters for the next referendum.
Talks are so far along that they are already considering flags for the new province and have already shortlisted these two designs.

Bill Rowe is said to be in line for a senior appointment for his role in all of this.

Since Quebec would object to being called Newfoundland, Newfoundland would object to being called Quebec, the new province will be called Labrador.

Flag #1

Flag #2

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