Thursday, February 15, 2007

Blogger Defence Fund

As a result of the actions and threats of government of legal action against bloggers over the last week, IP Freely is initiating a Blogger Defense Fund (BDF).

The BDF is a cooperative which will pay for the legal defense of paid-up blogger members. Any blogger in the province or writing on provincial issues is free to join the cooperative.

The law firm which has agreed to represent the BDF is the Toronto firm of Phukem, Skrewim and Bloughmie.

Willamina Noenotting, lead counsel, has assured the BDF that she and her colleagues Elizabeth Bloughprem and Anthony Psuckdyk will be offering a vigorous and zealous defense of the security, integrity or freedom or speech of the bloggers of Newfoundland and Labrador.

In the meantime, as a way of showing support for the Blogger Defence Fund (BDF) we are providing the opportunity for free speech loving bloggers everywhere to share their feelings with the government.

If you are interested in participating, simply:

  • Print out the button design below
  • Glue it to any old campaign button you might have lying around
  • Wear it with pride!
Thank you for your support!

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